
EZ Bar Preacher Curl

What muscles do EZ Bar Preacher Curls work?

The EZ Bar Preacher Curl is an isolation exercise that primary targets your biceps. It’s a strength exercise that uses pull force.

How to do EZ Bar Preacher Curl

  • Sit at a preacher curl bench and adjust the height if necessary
  • Hold the EZ bar with an underhand grip, arms fully extended
  • Rest your upper arms on the preacher bench
  • Curl the bar towards your shoulders while keeping your elbows stationary
  • Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement
  • Lower the bar slowly back to the starting position

Benefits of the EZ Bar Preacher Curl

  • Isolates the biceps for effective muscle building
  • Reduces the risk of using momentum, focusing on muscle contraction
  • Helps improve arm strength and definition
  • Suitable for all fitness levels

Tips for performing EZ Bar Preacher Curl

  • Use a weight that allows for controlled movements
  • Avoid swinging or using your back to lift the weight
  • Focus on a full range of motion for maximum effectiveness
  • Keep your wrists straight and grip firm throughout the exercise

What equipment is needed to perform EZ Bar Preacher Curls?

The equipment needed to perform EZ Bar Preacher Curls:
  • EZ Bar
  • Preacher Bench

What type of exercise is the EZ Bar Preacher Curl?

It’s a strength movement, which makes it an effective exercise if you want to build muscle.

How many reps you should do for EZ Bar Preacher Curl?

Since the EZ Bar Preacher Curl is a strength exercise, we recommend you to aim for 8 reps.